Our Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
Our vision is to be the world’s leading provider of product intelligence.
We’ll do this by delivering reliable consumer insight into the hands of decision-makers to develop and manage their products.
Corporate Social Responsibility
At Vypr, we care about People and the impact we have on the World around us. We consider good business practices and the needs of the environment for now and the future. We demonstrate this by showing:
•We welcome diversity
•We act with compassion and respect for all people
•We consider the wider impact of our decisions on people and the environment
•We treat everyone fairly
•We actively contribute towards a sustainable future
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy supports our vision and work through:
· Providing oversight on our sustainability for stakeholders, customers, consumers and interested parties
· Minimising our impact on the environment, both directly and through what we do for our customers and stakeholders
· Providing support for the wellbeing and development of employees
· Securing our financial independence
· Striving to have a positive impact on the communities we live and work in
· Developing our partnerships with suppliers
· Continuous development of our governance and transparency
What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
CSR is a business model in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their operations and stakeholder interactions. CSR goes beyond compliance with legal requirements, aiming to impact society and the environment while balancing economic goals positively.
At Vypr, the Scope of our CSR work includes various practices and initiatives for positive societal and environmental impact. Key areas are:
1. Environmental Responsibility
- Sustainability: Reducing carbon footprints and conserving resources.
- Advocacy: Supporting environmental causes.
2. Social Responsibility
- Community Engagement: Supporting local community projects.
- Charity: Donating to charities and sponsoring events.
- Volunteering: Encouraging employee community service.
3. Economic Responsibility
- Ethical Practices: Ensuring fair trade and transparency.
- Local Support: supporting local charities in the Manchester area
4. Employee Responsibility
- Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting an inclusive work environment.
- Development: Offering training and career growth.
- Well-being: Ensuring safe conditions and work-life balance.
5. Governance and Ethics
- Corporate Governance: Implementing accountability and transparency.
- Ethical Conduct: Maintaining high ethical standards.
Vypr is a responsible business that upholds the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. Our CSR falls under two categories: compliance and proactiveness. Compliance refers to our commitment to legality and community values. Proactiveness involves promoting human rights, helping communities, and protecting the environment.
Our company:
● Respects the law
● Honors its internal policies
● Ensures that all its business operations are legitimate
Business ethics
We conduct business with integrity and respect for human rights. We promote:
● Safety and fair dealing
● Respect toward the consumer
● Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility
Protecting the environment
Vypr is committed to prioritising sustainability by assessing environmental impact, monitoring energy usage, reducing carbon footprint, and collaborating with customers and stakeholders for ongoing innovation.
Protecting people
We'll ensure that we:
● Don't risk the health and safety of our employees and community.
● We follow the Equality Act 2010
● Support diversity and inclusion.
Modern Slavery
Modern slavery takes many forms but commonly encompasses slavery, servitude, and compulsory labour. Human trafficking is the travel of another person to exploit them. Modern slavery and human trafficking often include the use of violence or coercion to transport, recruit, or harbour people to exploit them for forced and compulsory labour, bonded labour, and some forms of child labour. Victims of modern slavery are commonly in a position where they have no real opportunity or possibility of freeing themselves from their situation. Modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes and a serious violation of human rights.
Vypr is committed to maintaining practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes our operations and those of our suppliers. Our work to tackle modern slavery is an evolving process, where we continue to engage with and assess our suppliers and business partners.
We take a risk-based approach to our contracting processes and keep them under review. As part of this, we carry out due diligence on all new contractors, suppliers, and other business partners to ensure the potential for modern slavery and human trafficking is significantly reduced.
We are also committed to sharing best practices across our business network to promote this issue and harness opportunities to bring about positive change as well as reduce risk.
The Community and Charity Work
At Vypr, we are committed to positively impacting the communities where we live and work. In 2022, we established our first People Committee, comprising representatives from across the business, to help organise fundraising activities.
Our current chosen charity is FareShare https://fareshare.org.uk/ which focuses on fighting hunger and addressing food waste in the UK. We are actively supporting them through fundraising efforts and volunteer days.
Additionally, we have committed to planting a UK-native tree for every new license we sell to a customer. This initiative is aimed at contributing to the restoration of the National Forest through the Plant a Tree | National Forest program https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/support-us/plant-a-tree.
Preserving the environment
Apart from legal obligations, Vypr proactively protects the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:
● Recycling
● Conserving energy
● Planting a UK-native tree
● Using environmentally friendly technologies
Environmental and Sustainability
At Vypr our office building has low-flow faucets, taps, urinals and toilets. We also have leak detection so that we can better identify and reduce wastage in the event of a leak at any sink. We have recycling and food waste bins that we use regularly, and hand dryers rather than paper towels to minimise waste.
Our hybrid working policies provide a framework where staff at Vypr have flexible working arrangements, allowing them to work from home or in the office. Some employees have set days determined by their line managers when they are required to be in the office. This approach also helps to reduce carbon emissions by cutting down on travel between home and the office.
We also continue to support and encourage the use of video meetings for both internal staff interactions and corporate meetings, to reduce the need for staff to travel and attend meetings in person.
We encourage people to use the train instead of driving to the office, which is centrally based in Manchester, to reduce carbon emissions. Vypr has started to record and measure the carbon footprint of its staff. We are looking to introduce reduction targets in the future.
The majority of our lighting in our office uses motion sensors to maximise energy efficiency and all communal areas and private member workspaces have been certified to meet the requirements of an accredited green building program.
Our building is certified to use 100% renewable energy sources. Each unit is equipped with programmable thermostats with seasonal presets and timers. Regular occupancy checks are conducted to switch off units that are not in use.
The building's equipment includes Energy Star appliances and features such as automatic sleep modes and after-hour timers. Certain appliances also have auto-sleep and low-power modes, including coffee machines.
Supplier Management
Vypr conducts due diligence checks on all suppliers, to ensure their philosophy and practices are aligned with ours. We give preference to suppliers with good Corporate Social Responsibility credentials.